Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

Browsing Tag 'mahasiddha'

Devadatta and how NOT to end up in Avici

Rinpoche had us writers watch this video today of Professor Donald S Lopez narrating the story of Devadatta. Whilst the Professor’s narration was very clear, I have to say that it was our discussion afterwards that really changed my perspective about Devadatta. Lesson #1: don’t be surprised when people are never happy with how well […]

Mahasiddha Ghantapa

From Gandrapa was a prince of Nalanda but renounced the throne to be a monk, and later, a yogin. In his travels he met the guru Darikapa and was initiated into the Samvara mandala. He then travelled to Pataliputra, where King Devapala, a pious man welcomed monks and yogins into his kingdom. The king […]