August 18, 2013 0
This one is going to be a bit beauty-focused because I’m going to be giving up all concepts of that soon (I’ll let you know how it goes!), and something appeared on my newsfeed this week that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention.
Have you ever seen such dedication to beauty before? Half of these contraptions ( look like torture instruments, or something out of a horror movie! Having made my incredulity clear, I really shouldn’t be too surprised given we have similarly weird treatments (albeit with a slightly more scientific-sounding basis) nowadays. Bird poop or snail facials, anyone?
Wow. Just wow.
This photo of AnnaLynne McCord was also making its rounds on the Internet earlier this week. For someone who lives her life in the public eye, she’s got bags of confidence to publish a photo like this. Yes, there has been a recent trend of celebrities exposing their faces sans make-up but somehow, it never feels as authentic as AnnaLynne’s picture. Somehow it usually feels like they’ve got some light make-up on, or like they prepared just a little for the selfie. But whatever – she’s beautiful with amazingly deep eyes and the most fantastic hair. Do you think she uses any of these products? 😉
This week’s one is going to be short because I’ve got a huge migraine and can barely keep my head upright…so I’m going to go and daydream about these DIY home-made beauty fixes, and plot how I’m going to get the ingredients together to try them! Wish me luck – some of them sound so delicious, I might actually eat them first 😀
beauty, beauty regime, make-up free, Nivea, no make-up, perm, vintage Sunday Selections
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