Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

Interview and photoshoot with the Star

June 27, 2013 4

Mum, Elisa and I were interviewed by the Star this morning for their “Do Good. Volunteer” fortnightly feature. Interviewing us was Kenneth Chaw, and taking the photos was Fifi who she asked us to throw different poses. Elisa and I, being totally clueless, threw pretty much the same poses again and again (sorry Fifi!) until Kenneth talked to us to get a few natural shots in. The candid shots weren’t captured for those because Kenneth and Fifi were too busy trying to get Elisa and I to relax hahaha

He had no such problems with mum though, because obviously she’s a pro at this, having appeared in countless magazines and in countless newspaper features…she was no problem at all when it came to taking direction.

Here are the pics that Kenneth took on mum’s phone 🙂 watch out for the feature coming out in late July / early August! It’ll be an inside track into our life, mum’s work, what Kechara is really like behind the scenes, and all of the trials and tribulations of volunteerism…contrary to appearances and popular belief, life isn’t all roses for us but you’ll have to wait until July/August to find out why! 😉















Life in Kechara: Behind The Scenes

4 Comments → “Interview and photoshoot with the Star”

  1. Jim Yeh 11 years ago   Reply

    Elena, When the issue comes out. I need you, your sister and your mum to sign it..and then mail it to me. Got that? Okay good!

    • Elena 11 years ago   Reply

      Will you settle for a scan of the page? Haha

      • Jim Yeh 11 years ago   Reply

        Cannot lah! What scan lah? FEDEX it lah!

  2. Ruby Khong 11 years ago   Reply

    That is so sweet Jim!

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