Received a gift from Rinpoche before? Always wondered how Rinpoche does it? Well, here’s a small clue into that process… Rinpoche goes to the gift room and personally selects every single gift for people. Then he takes the gift(s), recites prayers and blesses each and every item, before he records a message for the person. […]
This freaked me out because I’ve nearly died eight times now, and every time it’s happened in the exact same way this video describes (and I didn’t realise how closely it matched until I watched the video!). First, my hearing goes. There’s a loud ringing-buzzing sound in my ears and my hearing closes in, into […]
It’s Friday prayers here in Malaysia. Every week, it makes me think back to the night Justin died. We were in the van rushing to the hospital, because the ambulance had taken too damn long. When we pulled up outside a mosque, all the men came running out to ask what was happening. After we […]
(From a text) At the end of a long meeting yesterday, I had a little surprise to perk me up after what had been a very exhausting night. If you ask me what I like in this world, if you ask me what I am good at in this world, or what I am interested […]
If what people say to hurt you will not matter at the time of death, why should it matter now? – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
When we are older, when our body is unhealthy, our strength is breaking down, we will depend on others’ care, help and assistance. If we haven’t been kind to others, then old age will be a scary existence. Everything we have comes from others. – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
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