Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

Browsing Posts of 'Pastor Elena K. Jean Ai'


Rinpoche recently assigned a group of us to complete some online tasks each day. One of them involves reading a blog post and leaving a comment of five points about the post that stuck out for us. The object of the exercise is to encourage us to contemplate on the material and to truly understand […]


I was doing a little bit of research this morning and read about Symeon of Trier. Granted Wikipedia is not an entirely scholarly source so the information can be a bit one-dimensional. But what I found interesting was that even within the Christian faith, there is a tradition of practitioners going into solitary retreat, blessed […]

Don’t try to be right, try to be Vajrayogini

Rinpoche recently gathered a few of us to give us a mind-blowing teaching (which I will blog about in more detail soon). At the end of the teaching, Rinpoche asked me what my thoughts were. I sort of blabbered and gushed about guru devotion, and I was not coherent. My speech is a reflection of […]

Dreaming of Manjushri

No, I did not dream about Manjushri. It was actually Rinpoche who dreamt about Manjushri many years ago. It was in a form Rinpoche had never seen before, sitting on a lotus with his hands in the dharmachakra mudra at his chest and his right leg extended. Rinpoche was excited by the dream but did […]


Rinpoche recently asked us to examine our lives and what we have accomplished in terms of our spiritual practice. In my case, after 28 years, how many attachments have I reduced or let go of? Double that and when I am 56, how many attachments will I have reduced or let go of? I can […]


The first time I met Gangchen Rinpoche, I was too young to remember most details. I remember it being in the Chinese Assembly Hall. I must have been around 12 or 13 years old and Rinpoche was giving some sort of Medicine Buddha empowerment to hundreds of people. Subsequent meetings with Rinpoche took place when […]


A few days ago, some members of the Kechara Board of Directors and the pastors took a walk on the wild side. I thought I would share a couple of pictures here. Would you believe that this land is right in the middle of the city? I would not have, if I had not seen […]


To the uninformed (or the misinformed?), tantra is a badge of pride meant to be worn loud and proud on your chest – “See? I got such and such initiation.” So these days, you will find some practitioners running from one teacher to another, gathering as many practices as they can. Yes, due to the […]


On August 15-16, 2015 a group of us had the great fortune to represent H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche at the opening of Centre De Méditation Tsongkhapa (CMT) in Ste-Sophie, Quebec (Canada). The first incarnation (so to speak!) of CMT was opened by the Venerable Geshe Khenrab in Montreal, Canada before a sister centre was opened […]


I generally eschew food photos because to be honest, they only fuel my attachment to the stuff and boy, do I have an attachment to the stuff! 🙂 but this picture, I have to post. Food from my mum means many things to me. It is the salmon (sorry fish!) and gingko biloba that she […]