Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

Browsing Posts of 'Pastor Elena K. Jean Ai'

(Taken with my iPhone) They say that experience is a tough teacher – it gives you the test first and the lesson later, and that has certainly been the case for us down at Amcorp Mall for the last ten weeks. Every Saturday and Sunday, a group of us wake up early (try 7am!) and […]

Humility by Chogyam Trungpa

Humility, very simply, is the absence of arrogance. Where there is no arrogance, you relate with your world as an eye-level situation, without one-upmanship. Because of that, there can be a genuine interchange. Nobody is using their message to put anybody else down, and nobody has to come down or up to the other person’s […]

(Taken with my iPhone) I can’t remember when it was but sometime last week, I woke up and realised that being vegetarian had become effortless. There was a time when I would say “omg I miss meat” and really mean it but now, meh – the feeling’s 99% gone. I started my slow journey in […]

One-off solutions

I don’t believe in simple one-off solutions [in religion], like if you do good, you go to heaven. Because if that’s the case, why are our sufferings so complicated? – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

Be brave

If you’re brave enough to be sneaky, if you’re brave enough to lie, if you’re brave enough to steal, if you’re brave enough to be all that – then be brave enough to deal with things when the consequences come back to you – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

(Taken with my iPhone) This photo was taken outside a very special place. It was just one of those afternoons where I went straight from a very secular discussion, to the inner sanctum, the home of a Buddha. In between pizza he arranged for us, and a short audience, I spent the evening doing a […]

(Taken with my iPhone) White Tara, who heals us from all diseases. So too does Chenrezig Ngesung Kundrol.

(Taken with my iPhone) I think I’d like to live my life in lomo. Because looking this chilled will always be effortless!

(Taken with my iPhone) Every Saturday, Kechara Soup Kitchen volunteers take to the streets to feed 650 homeless men and women. Where will you be next Saturday? At another party, hosting another dinner, watching another movie? Or making one person’s life just that little bit more comfortable? You know what it’s like to be hungry…but […]

(Taken with my iPhone) If there is anyone whom everyone in Kechara finds undeniably precious, it has to be Yogi (Rinpoche’s dog). Yogi has been with Rinpoche for nearly 10 years, and is the perfect model dog. When he was first brought home, Rinpoche spent every day for a whole year just training him. This […]