Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

Browsing Posts of 'Pastor Elena K. Jean Ai'


The only virtue of collecting negative karma is that it can be purified. – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche


Remain close to your guru like a cloth that wraps incense. The cloth absorbs the fragrance of the incense. – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche


For the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking more and more about becoming vegan. It started when Rinpoche asked us to watch Earthlings. It reminded me why I stopped eating meat, and introduced (what was then) a very troubling thought to my mind – what is the difference between an egg and a chicken? The […]


Particular attention should be paid to rebuttal #6 “Well, you kill other bugs, so who cares if you eat honey?” – Source:


All sentient beings should have at least one right – the right not to be treated as property Gary L. Francione


What a nice way to start the day, with the release of budgies and finches at Rinpoche’s residence. This of course, isn’t the first time Rinpoche has had us release birds. And we don’t just release the birds and leave them to die. Knowing that they might have difficulties surviving in the wild, Rinpoche also […]


When we are older, when our body is unhealthy, our strength is breaking down, we will depend on others’ care, help and assistance. If we haven’t been kind to others, then old age will be a scary existence. Everything we have comes from others. – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

(Taken with my iPhone) I have so many different thoughts going through my mind at the moment, most of them unfinished and not fully formed… You see, originally I was going to write about my likes and dislikes. I had just been given an incredible image of Yamantaka from Rinpoche and realised of all the […]


…that we need to hide behind a cause, an ideal, a project or institution to get self-worth, it’s only a temporary measure. We need to face the damages we have done to others. Own up. Confess openly. Truly apologise without repeat episodes. Heal the hurt. Stop creating more hurt immediately. Then we can hope to […]


What you are today is the choice you made yesterday. – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche