Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

Browsing Posts of 'Pastor Elena K. Jean Ai'


Rinpoche tweeted loads of stuff on Gurus today so this verse really stuck out in my mind as I recited my sadhana. I am loyal to my lama because I am grateful for what he has done for me. And I am grateful that despite being such a poor student, Rinpoche always keeps me close […]


I wasn’t able to do last week’s Sunday Selections because of a last-minute trip down to Singapore. So I’ve done something a little clever this week in case something else crops up tomorrow – yes, tomorrow – at the last minute…I’ve scheduled this post! Mwahahaha So I know summer’s almost over, but these picnic sides […]


A few months ago, Rinpoche gave us all a copy of this quote from Mother Teresa as a daily reminder of our motivation for doing Dharma work.


Yesterday, Rinpoche took a small group of us for dinner, then to a movie and then on to KFC for supper (don’t worry, we only had the wedges, mash and coleslaw!). During supper, Rinpoche summarised for us many teachings on emptiness that Rinpoche has recently been giving…and yes, Rinpoche really did all that to open […]


Rinpoche invited a few of us out for dinner, a movie and then gave a profound Dharma teaching in KFC (we had the mash, coleslaw and wedges!) on emptiness. What stuck out for me? That ordination is going cold turkey on the way in which we act based on the values we impute onto phenomena […]


Rinpoche gave 8 of us tonight a very special gift…the path to ultimate liberation!


Thanks to the knowledge Rinpoche has taught us over the years, today we were able to do a little bit for Fatty before he fell asleep for the last time. RIP Fatty, at least your suffering is over (link is NSFW). Please keep him in your prayers that he may come back as a Dharma […]

RIP Fatty

WARNING: This page contains images that are NSFW / may offend you. If you’ve got a weak stomach, please go back to my homepage to read a happier story 🙂 —– As Bryan, Jean Mei and Joy were leaving Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) today, they spotted one of “our” dogs lying on the ground. He […]


Three years ago, Rinpoche called up and asked a small group of us to go to Bukit Merah to check out an arrowana farm with him. We ended up staying the night in Ipoh and visiting some cave temples. As I was looking through my photos today, I realised that three years ago, Rinpoche was […]


Rinpoche for Amitayus 🙂