Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

Browsing Posts of 'Pastor Elena K. Jean Ai'


If someone threw you a birthday party of this scale and size, wouldn’t you turn up? Well, of course you would because it’s a celebration of YOU. Think of the gifts! The presents! The ang paus! The adoration! The praises! The worship! Nope, not Rinpoche. Every single year, when Rinpoche’s birthday rolls around, the same […]


“When you wake up, make sure the first thing you think of is how to benefit others. I found that when I followed Rinpoche’s advice on this, everything became better for me and I became happier.” ~ Pastor Kok Yek Yee explaining to the pastors the essence of their responsibilities So what am I now, […]

Becoming a nun: An introduction

This Saturday, I will take my first steps on a journey I’ve been wanting to take since I was 18. It all began on a pilgrimage trip to Gaden Monastery in 2004, when I was on my gap year and I visited a nunnery and did not want to leave. There was something about the […]

Tsem Rinpoche’s Karma Chart

When I was a kid, I was a huge fan of the Chicken Soup for… series. Yes, some of them were a bit naff but for a teenager searching for something more substantial than the feel-good stories in Reader’s Digest, they were perfect. Anyway, in one of the books, I read something that has stuck […]

There have been many lessons I’ve learnt over the years, thanks to the experiences that Rinpoche and my parents have given me the opportunity to…experience. They are lessons I wish I could tell my 10 year old self. It’s not that my 10 year old self needed much advice or was particularly messed up. Okay, […]


I know I have not blogged in a while, and this post was originally intended for Rinpoche’s blog but before it goes up there (alongside a number of other commentaries and reflections), I thought it might be something interesting to blog here because there are plenty of people in our everyday lives who really get […]


I’ve never had a very high opinion of Taylor Swift (not that it matters to her!). I find it both interesting and a little…exploitative how quickly she goes through her relationships and then writes songs about them. But then I’ve heard people argue, why shouldn’t she? She’s young, beautiful and (some might say) talented. She’s […]


This is what angry, browbeaten, crazy people look like. I mean, just look at us – we’ve all clearly been brainwashed into joining a cult. We all look exhausted, worked to the bone and hate being where we are. Or not. Perception is a funny thing because what you think you see, is what your […]


When I started my Gratitude Series over two months ago, lots of things were happening around me and through it all, I noticed a common theme – no matter how bad life appeared to be, I had so many things to be grateful for. In the past, people have told me that I am extremely […]


Rinpoche gave me the honour today of staying up until 9:22am to help save someone’s life. As a person who is very accident-prone and has her own #health problems, I know what it’s like to be sick and it sucks. I’m grateful I have the privilege to do this, as tired as I am at […]